November 11, 2012

I know that they're writings on the wall.

Listening to this for months on end

Candy - Paolo Nutini


a phone, GarageBand, and a Sunday night


Candy (Paolo Nutini Cover) - Jennie Jo

November 1, 2012

Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby Sparks: Let it never be said, the romance is dead.

I had a feeling I was going to fall in love.

A few seconds in, I knew it was something incredibly special. I wanted to pace myself, not be into it too much, afraid that I might be disappointed.

Magic realism, wit, quirk, humor. Love. Hopeful and hopeless. It was all that I wanted and so much more.

In the end, I was in tears, overwhelmingly in love. One of the best feelings in the world. 

"I don't need to make sense of this."

October 11, 2012

The Perks of Being a Hopeless Romantic

On the downside, it hurts. Like HELL. Somehow, it all seems more unbearable, confusing, devastating. 



See, the good thing about being a hopeless romantic is that our hearts are more resilient than usual. Sure, we hurt the most. But then we bounce back just a little bit faster, too. 

At least I'd like to think so. :)

Lebenslangerschicksalsschatz is not something that develops over time. It is something that happens instantaneously. It courses through you like the water of a river after a storm, filling you and emptying you all at once. You feel it throughout your body, in your hands, in your heart, in your stomach, in your skin… Have you ever felt this way about someone? If you have to think about it, you have not felt it. Of course, everyone does eventually, you just never know when, or where. - HIMYM, S08E01

I'd like to think my Lebenslangerasdfjklh is still out there. I mean, I know he is. And this could be our song right now:

James Morrison - Get to You

Oh, that's right. Hopeless romantics are the cheesiest, too. ♥

August 20, 2012

The Self-Esteem Plan

I should really be less of this...

...and more of this:

Time starts... NOW.

August 7, 2012

July 30, 2012

No one ever said it would be this hard. Oh, take me back to the start.

This is probably the most accurate diagram of stepping out of one's comfort zone that I've ever seen. (Are there others? I don't know.)

Just because you've stepped out of it doesn't mean the magic happens right away. There's a whole lotta space going on outside that small circle, see? And who the heck knows if I'm stepping towards the right direction with all that space? Did I just use "I" instead of "you"? Why yes, yes I did.

I feel like I'm somewhere in that whole lotta space going on between the two circles. I don't even know where exactly. Every weekend literally feels like I'm coming up for air. And every time I feel like singing "Nobody said it was ea-seeehhh..." ♫ Yup. Just that line.

It's fun. No doubt about it. It's fun sometimes.

God, I hope I'm just being Miyagi'd.

*takes a deep breath*

May 17, 2012

Day 03 - A Song That Makes You Happy

Sweet Disposition by Temper Trap

The moment the echo-y guitar plucking comes in at the very beginning, I get all giddy, stop whatever it is I'm doing, and try to soak it all in. 

The vocals, the beat, the melody of the seemingly floating instruments -- everything just reminds me of being happy. So happy in fact that it sometimes makes me fast forward to my future wedding. You know those onsite-Jason-Magbanua-style-videos that they make? I imagine that this would be the perfect OST for that. (DIBS!) 

Aside from imaginary weddings, this song is perfect for late-night/early-morning drives which I absolutely luuurve. It is a MUST for me to have that perfect song on that perfect drive... to feel infinite. (If you know where that came from, let's be friends.)

"A moment, a love, a dream, a laugh, a kiss, a cry, our rights, our wrongs, a moment on..." ♫

P.S. You can find Jason Magbanua wedding videos HERE. I try to watch them in doses. As I am a sucker for weddings, I go all Coldplay when I watch them. (Coldplay = every teardrop is a waterfall. Heh.)

April 9, 2012

Lessons from Mr. Miyagi

Have you ever had one of those days when you just don't understand why certain things are happening (or not happening for that matter)? Days when you can't seem to fathom the relevance of certain events?  Yes, (yes,) and yes.

When these days happen, I hardly ever lash out or blow up. I try to bite my tongue. I try to keep my kewl. I try to look on the bright side. Sometimes, though, I think, what's the point? Why should I put all this effort into keeping quiet when it would be sooooo much easier to just release the Kraken... of emotions. (Heh.)

Because of this, I have chosen to adopt a new mindset. Whenever frustrations start building up and I feel the question, "What the hell...?" about to escape from my lips, I think of this picture ---

When a person acts unnecessarily bitchy/mean to me, and I choose to be the bigger person... wax on.
When someone gets on my nerves, and I bite my tongue from saying bad things about/to them... wax off.
When a reckless driver disrespectfully swerves in front of me and cuts me off, and I don't swear or give him/her the finger... wax on.
When I realize that I'm past a quarter of a century but am still going through a quarter life crisis, and I don't break down... wax off.

I want to believe that all these -- the frustrations, the pointlessness of some events, the patience-testers -- are all going to play a part in a grand future event when I can utilize all these skills, skills that I didn't even know I was developing. They are just preparing me for something bigger in the future -- some situation, event, job, or person that I wouldn't think I'd be able to face or handle, when suddenly...

I'll be ready for you, bigass badass future event that'll probably try to sweep my leg.

Wax on.

Images: Daniel and Mr Miyagi, Moment of RealizationSweep the Leg