When these days happen, I hardly ever lash out or blow up. I try to bite my tongue. I try to keep my kewl. I try to look on the bright side. Sometimes, though, I think, what's the point? Why should I put all this effort into keeping quiet when it would be sooooo much easier to just release the Kraken... of emotions. (Heh.)
Because of this, I have chosen to adopt a new mindset. Whenever frustrations start building up and I feel the question, "What the hell...?" about to escape from my lips, I think of this picture ---
When a person acts unnecessarily bitchy/mean to me, and I choose to be the bigger person... wax on.
When someone gets on my nerves, and I bite my tongue from saying bad things about/to them... wax off.
When a reckless driver disrespectfully swerves in front of me and cuts me off, and I don't swear or give him/her the finger... wax on.
When I realize that I'm past a quarter of a century but am still going through a quarter life crisis, and I don't break down... wax off.
I want to believe that all these -- the frustrations, the pointlessness of some events, the patience-testers -- are all going to play a part in a grand future event when I can utilize all these skills, skills that I didn't even know I was developing. They are just preparing me for something bigger in the future -- some situation, event, job, or person that I wouldn't think I'd be able to face or handle, when suddenly...I'll be ready for you, bigass badass future event that'll probably try to sweep my leg.
Wax on.
Images: Daniel and Mr Miyagi, Moment of Realization, Sweep the Leg